What's crackin? This EXCESSIVE. You've reached my web page at NORTH BAY TALENT. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to purchansing beats, My album, recieving demo's, or if you're just another rapper that would like to hook-up and record a track this is the spot to get at me at IceColdProductions@Excite.com . Beats start at $100 and up. If you would like to hear a sample of my current production CLICK HERE to see my page at mp3.com. As far as the album goes it will be have 16 tracks with featured artists such as Mr. Postman, Young Mali, Jackpot , etc. Samples of my album are available HERE . Again, this is EXCESSIVE representing ice cold productions if you would like any further information hit me up with an email. I'm Gone!
E-Mail me at IceColdProductions@Excite.com

Copyright © 2000,
Revised -- 07/07/01